
warning: softballs are not that soft.


Brandi Jo said...

We did the give-a-way and Sorry, but you were not drawn. However, I am offering 10% off the Holiday Mini-Shoot for the contestants. Please let me know if you are interested.

Lacey said...

OUCH! Poor Kendall! Maybe it's a good thing you didn't win that photo shoot! You'd have to wait a while before you get them done!

peachytiffers said...

I showed Jake these pictures and he told me that at football, when someone asked Kendall what happened, before Kendall got a chance, Jake said, "He didn't take the trash out when his wife asked." I thought that was funny.

Rachael said...

oooh, bummer! I would like to add that a week ago my nose discovered that the edges of car doors are also not soft. But then, one might assume that.(my nose is crooked now, but I did miss out on the black eyes!).