and i liked it a lot!!! so much better than the first i thought. and my requirement for the wolves being AWESOME was totally fulfilled. i was so happy about that. because seriously, if you have the opportunity to have horse-sized, awesome wolves in a movie and you DON'T do it up right...what kind of silly person are you????? but i thought it was done well, the volturi were good, dakota fanning kind of scary, red contacts done well, jasper still weird, hair to poofy, bella and edward still don't smile enough for me but this one is definitely more of a depressing story line than the first so that might be expected...all in all, a good flick i thought.
SOOOO MUCH better than the first. It was fun to see it with great friends too.
Loved it the first time, loved it the second time! I disagree with the whole smiling thing! Edward was all smiles in the beginning-at school!?! Loved it!
I totally agree. I think Edward really should have kept his shirt on and I was glad to see Jacob take his off, hehe! I am seeing it again on Saturday!
I liked it so much better than the first one too!! The only thing I didn't really like was the "glimpse" into the future. . . kinda disappointed with that. All in all it was so much better!!
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