

did your kids ever get roseola? avery got a huge fever on saturday night, 103.6 under the arm and didn't really have any other symptoms. she was HUGLEY fussy as well and i feel like she's been crying for days...just not a happy camper. on monday we took her to the doc. just to make sure it wasn't ears or throat...and it wasn't. just a virus he says...so we hydrate, give medicine for the fever and wait. then yesterday she had no fever and was still fussy fussy fussy. then today no fever, but a red, slightly raised rash all over her little self. awesome. and what is that folks? not chicken pox as far as i can tell, but roseola. click on that to find more info. if you want. so that's what we've got and tomorrow is kendall's birthday...hopefully she's good by tomorrow:) i sure hope we all get some rest. she's been not sleeping at night very well at all...yuck. although, i am thankful it's not the chicken pox:)


Melissa said...

I hope Graycie doesn't get it! She's been extra sleepy today and a little fussy. She's asleep right now and it's 6:00pm! Not like her...

Lacey said...

I hope for Melissa too that Graycie doesn't get that! I feel bad for you that today is Kendall's birthday and Avery is sick! Hopefully she recovers quick and you guys can enjoy a great date night!

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday Kendall! I hope it is happy, anyway. Dallin had that when he was almost a year old. He got it after a battle with ear infections. That was not fun at all! I was scared by the fever too. The doc told me the rash doesn't actually cause too much discomfort...the fever is supposedly the worst part, but I remember the fussiness and the worry. Love you!

rachel said...

I have had this. It is not fun!! We had it as kids when there were 9 of us at home! I just remember getting to eat lots of popsicles, taking baths, and looking at everyone's tongues. I think it turns white or something. Poor baby. I want to hold her. Let me know when we can bring dinner over. I will call.

Emily said...

Our nephew had that at the beginning of the summer. He got over it pretty quickly but he was pretty miserable for a couple of days. I hope she feels better soon!