So no baby yet, thought i'd share some of the sewing i've been doing for her....
we decided to get a new crib this time...our old one had been recalled twice, so we took it in and got credit on a gift card to buy a new one, which was awesome! i decided to get this gray one...but didn't buy it soon enough, then it went out of stock for a while...and it finally came back in stock a month or so ago, i was so happy!!!
pretty much all the fabrics i used came from Joann's, the yellow dot on white is actually an old sheet i thrifted a while ago. i made the dust ruffle and bunting...
this is the "quilt" folded's not a quilt really (cause i am SO NOT a quilter), i didn't put batting in it, because i wanted it to be thin enough to use all year here in AZ, but i do like the appliqued circles...inspired by this quilt...
i decided to make burp cloths a little different this time...try out a new shape, got the pattern from here, and i think i'll like them a lot. i had a bunch of terry cloth and then i also cut up a towel that was falling apart to use as the back. i put a layer of flannel in the middle for extra absorbency.
i also made some binky clips...there are a ton of tutorials for these, i based mine on this one, but i folded the fabric like this one, instead of turning the tube of fabric as in the first tutorial.
i like that i can make new straps and they are interchangeable, the clips are velcroed on.
then i decided i was feeling hat-ish, so i made one from this tutorial (top), and this tutorial (bottom) with the tie top.
i made 3 swaddling blankets, that are large, 36x36 inches. two are flannel (on sale at joann's when i bought it) and one is gauze that i dyed (tie dyed)...can't stop dyeing things!
this is a changing pad...the tutorial for this one is over at Lil Blue Boo
made from vinyl tablecloths i found at Big Lots....
carseat cover that i own pattern that i made up a couple of years ago...i weight the corners with washers that are sewn into the cover, so it can't blow away:)
and i can't stop with these covered buttons! i really must buy them in bulk, ASAP!
the other thing i made was a headband that was inspired by this one...which has no tutorial...but i love the wider pieces of fabric around the babies head...

there is a tutorial here, which i referenced when making mine, to help me tie the knot correctly, i just made mine with wider pieces of knit and didn't pull them tight to make them curl in on themselves.
here's mine, yes i put it on a jar of peanut butter, i needed something for it to go around that wouldn't stretch it out a ton before it gets put on the baby's head:) i like the way it turned out, it is soft and the wider pieces of knit look and feel like they will be more comfortable than the smaller curled up ones to me...we shall see.
and if you made it to the end of this, thanks a bunch!
that's some of what i've been making for baby girl Camryn...hopefully she arrives soon to be able to enjoy them:):)
You have been busy, she is ready to come home :)
Whoah Mama! You are on a roll! You always sew some pretty fabulous stuff. That's one lucky little girl you got coming.
You are super crafty!! I'm loving everything you made!
Wow! You have been busy! Amazing! Everything looks great but I am drooling over that changing pad! Those polka dots are AWESOME! Love you! Hope to hear good news in the next day or so!
Come on little girl! You've got an amazing home just waiting for you.
Seriously cute stuff. Makes me all the more excited to find out on Friday what we're having so I can get started on some of this stuff.
Those are awesome! Thanks for sharing. Good luck with this new little one!
Wow girl, way to go. I am seriously impressed with your sewing skills. I love the bright, happy fabrics you chose. Hope life is going well. Happy new baby!!
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