
things that happen at Wal-Mart...

okay so we all know that ethan's got a great arm and likes to play with the toys at the checkout of wal-mart-itcus, and he's also broken a jar of jelly on the peanut butter/bread/jelly/ice cream topping aisle. now today he's reached new levels...we were over in the health and beauty area, getting some face wash and he picked up a bottle of perfume and at first was just examining it and i could see him thinking about it...no sooner had i started to say, "ethan, please don't spray that" that he did it. he sprayed himself right in the eye! oh man, i thought he would drop the bottle he was shaking and screaming and hopping up and down so badly! i ran to him, leaving avery in the cart mind you, she was good enough not to jump out and truly make us a spectacle. i had no water bottle in my diaper bag like i usually do so i grabbed one of the water jugs i was going to buy out of the cart, opened it up and used it to flush out his eye. it was red, red, red and he rubbed and rubbed. i had made a pretty amazing puddle on the floor trying to get him cleaned up. then i finally got him to "okay" , we told someone about our mess we made and we started back to the food side of the store. then he rubbed his eye again and it was like we had to start all over again. this time i found one of the conveniently located trashcans they have in walmart with a roll of industrial paper towels chained to it, for mopping up spills and we started again, flushing out his eye. another large puddle and a LOT of blinking and rubbing later and we were okay again...for about five minutes. then he started to scream and cry about it again...as you could probably imagine my patience was almost gone (it hadn't been a fantastic morning anyway) and we were trying to pay for our groceries. needless to say, we got out of walmart and he was fine again. then he hasn't said anything else about it, except to tell his aunt (who took us to lunch, thanks kate!) that he "frayed" himself in the eye with "pfferfum" on the upside his eyeball smells very nice now:)


Melissa said...

Wow! Good times... Preschool starts next week! You could go to the store with only ONE child! It's going to be amazing!

Anonymous said...

Ethan must have been testing it out as a present for you!

Emily said...

Oh no. I just have one, I think I wouldn't dare brave the store with two. Sounds like you handled it well though!

Jackie said...

Oh how your Walmart stories make me laugh. Sometime I'd like to come to Walmart with you. I'm sure these stories are never quite as funny to you. Someday, you'll get a kick out of them. Ethan saying "frayed" reminds me of a word that Dallin made up last week when a weird pinchy bug started crawling on me while I was pulling weeds...when he told the story to Nate, he said, "Daddy, a bug was fromulating on Mommy!" What in the world does fromulating mean? Fromulating and frayed sound like they're from the same family, except at least frayed can be given the meaning of sprayed. You're a trooper!