
ethan picasso

one of ethan's favorite things lately is painting. he has some watercolors and he likes those, he has some fingerpaints and those are always a hit but the thing he loves to do lately is paint with my paints and a sponge brush. he wants to do it all day, but it's a little hard on avery because she is just not old enough to a) do that and b) not want to put the brush in her mouth or c) paint her hair. so we do it maybe 2-3 times a day. a couple of days ago, this is what happened. he said he wanted to do a handprint, so i thought, that's cool, we've done that before, he'll be fine. but then apparently he just wanted to do some body art. i stopped him before it got silly:) budding little artist. he always tells me what what they are...mostly some kind of ant or bug, that day it was a transformer.


Mallory said...

Oh, I am so proud! He definitely is getting his creative juices flowing early--and he definitely gets that from you. You have a guaranteed customer in me when we have kids of our own!

Marisa said...

Jen you are very brave to let him get into all that paint! He is quite a good little artist though! When does Avery get to try?

rachel said...

Look at that art gallery worth billions I am positive. I love it!! What an awesome little creator!