we had a couple of easter egg hunts...one with our ward, super fun at the park and the other was at our beloved nana and papa's house, but inside because the threat that one or more of them would jump in the pool was great! so i only have pics of the outdoor one. blake loved it but as with his siblings before him, he would get an egg, shake it, and try to open it right then, if it opened, he would want to eat the candy, if not then he would find another egg! that boy has a SWEET tooth, man! i had to put everything Easter away today, if the candy is out, he is "asking" for it (and by that i mean pointing and making "uh uh uhhhhhh" noises) ALL. DAY. LONG.
ethan and avery had a great time with the egg hunts too, ethan was very meticulous to count up to the number we told him he could have and then stop...and then try to make others stop so that no one would have more than anyone else...what a kid he is! Avery was all about getting all she could and i wonder if she has x-ray vision because she got the MOST marshmallows, which are her favorite!