
Clean up on aisle 2...ethan threw up

there are many things i can handle and not really bat an eye at...throw up is not one of them. first of all, if it were handle-able why would we have so many nasty, weird words to describe it? puke, toss your cookies, barf (gross!), blow chunks...it's just not good.

tossing cookies goes well with what happened today.

back up to this morning, i had to go to the post office and mail something (usually what you do at the post office, good one jen! thanks for not trying to buy a parrot at the post office! i digress...) anyway, and it wasn't crowded, yay! and i said, "ethan please come stand right by me" in about 8 varying forms but he was over by the door, and i kept calling him until i heard a screaming wail issue from his mouth and see him actually trembling with pain and screaming and crying and holding his balled up hand in his other hand and i am trying to finish my transaction but i am laughing because to me...this is just a little bit funny. i am not laughing at his injury, i totally know it hurt, but i TOLD him to stand by me and...he didn't. yet again. so i get a look at this hand and it is generally red and a little banged up but then the nail on his middle finger is instantly half red and looks like blood underneath. so i take him home, still screaming mind you, and get ibuprophen and ice and i hold his hand and put ice on it while he wallows around on the futon like his hand is falling off, all the while trying to keep avery from pulling his hair out (because that is how she shows affection apparently) and he is still screaming. i talked to him soothingly, i sang primary songs...nothing helped. then i called my mom, the RN and we talked and i decided to call the doctor and he said bring him in so i can see the nail because sometimes we have to drain the blood. awesome. so we go. but the kids haven't had lunch. but there isn't time for lunch because a) he's still screaming and b) they are waiting for us at the doctor's office. so i grab snack food...one of which is teddy grahams. so he calms down in the car, has some propel, teddy grahams, and some chips (whatever i could grab people...i was desparate). he's fine by the time we get to the doc's office, doctor joe decides it doesn't need to be drained and we decide to meet friends at the park (which we were going to do before the Post Office Fiasco) mostly because mommy needs some friend time. ethan loves the park, avery did pretty well, ethan didn't pee his pants, we are doing well. it's time to go.

oh, dreaded time to go. ethan freaks out, which he usually does, no biggy. then we are driving home, he says, "i don't feel good, my tummy hurts" starts to cry. i say, " you didn't really have lunch, maybe you are hungry" at which point, he throws up...all over pretty much everything. GROSS. i completely and utterly HATE throw up. i just do. it's nasty. so i get home, make avery stay in her carseat while i get ethan and his carseat out of the car, clean up the throw up in the car (which smells just like the teddy grahams by the way!) and then get them inside, into the tub.

then avery poops in the tub. oh glory. can i just be done with today? it's only 2 pm (and kendall's not home until 9 tonight). then i get everyone cleaned up again, get ethan a banana to try to settle his stomach, get them down for a nap and face the throw up carseat...more laundry. gotta love it. pray that the nasty stomach bug is not here to stay but it was just all the screaming he did earlier and the bad choice on mom's part...BLASTED TEDDY GRAHAMS!


Melissa said...

Wow Jen, rough day! Just think, someday you will look back on these days and miss them! At least that's what I've been told...

Lacey said...

Holy Cow Jen! You need a night on the town or something at the rate your day is going!

Sorry it's been such a rotten day today! Here's hoping for a long nap and early bedtime!

Unknown said...

A. I totally FEEL your pain.
B. At least it was fresh teddy grahams.
C. If I lived closer I would march right over with some chocolate and help you!

Jackie said...

Holy cow! That, my friend, was a bad day.

Audrey said...

I'm sorry. Your day already seemed rough enough at the park. Throw up in the car, what fun!

Mariley Johnson said...

throw up is gross, but i have to say it's just another day around here. We are just leaving a phase in Jens' life where he would vomit at least once a day. It's his defense mechanism for : stuffing too much food in mouth, crying to hard or just testing my patience when he throws up at the most inopportune time. Anyway,i'm used to it. But good luck and i hope everyone recovers soon.